Manora Island Beach Karachi

Manora Island Beach: with mainland it is connected through Sand Pit. It is also a home of the Pakistan’s tallest lighthouse is also the most famous picnic spot for families. For those who are looking for small adventure along with sandy and long beaches.

French Beach Karachi

French Beach: between the Hawk bay and Paradise Point French Beach is located. It is surrounded by boundary wall which gives you privacy and only selected groups have huts there it is the best spot for foreigners. It is a rocky beach and waves are making amazing scenes that are enjoyable.


Paradise Point  Karachi

Paradise Point: the central point of this beach is naturally curved an archway of the rock. From centuries water has pounded over the cliff making an arch. That can be accessed when the tide is low. There are beautiful restaurants with camel and horse rides.


Cape Mount Karachi

Cape Mount: it is also named as Cape Monze, this beach is located near the Gadani beach and Hub River. To get access to the calm water and smooth sandy beach there is a long staircase. This beach is a like gateway into another country. It is the most beautiful place that must be seen.


 Hawks Bay Karachi

Hawks Bay: in the west of the sand Pit Hawks Bay is situated, it is a bit away from other beaches so; it is less crowded as compared to the sand Pit Beach. This beach also has calm and shallow water and is best for swimming. In the summer water of this beach is clearer as compared to Sand Pit and sometime you may experience a crowd of fishes swimming in your feet. It is really a different experience but may be someone is waiting to experience such a beautiful scene.

1 comment:

  1. goa beach resorts
    The sun-kissed beaches and the serene blue seas are only part of the Goan fable. Walk through the meandering lanes and you’ll see a vibrant way of life, colourful and carefree in its nature.
